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Government Funded

THI Learning LAB VR

THI Learning LABVR is a part of the Raumlabore project by the Stifterverband and Dieter-Schwarz Stiftung. This project developed and assessed a collaborative multi-user VR environment to demonstrate the benefits of future-oriented learning spaces designed with students in mind. Students actively participated by creating their… Read More »THI Learning LAB VR


Research on the acceptance of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) BEEfficient is a cooperative project between the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) and their industrial partner BEEappliance GmbH. In the part conducted by the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, the project focused on social and scientific goals. This project… Read More »BEEfficient

BayFOR Atlanta

Technology trust as a success factor for automated driving – Development and validation of a standardized scale for measuring trust, taking cultural differences into account This project aimed at intensifying the research partnership between CARISSMA (Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt) and the Georgia Institute of Technology. Prof.… Read More »BayFOR Atlanta

BayFOR Michigan

The group of Prof. Paul Green (UMTRI) is one of the leading research institutions in the domain of “Automotive User Interfaces”. This research exchange aimed to gain future partners, for example, to foster cooperation within the scope of the EU H2020 project PReTECT. In addition,… Read More »BayFOR Michigan


– PRedicton of Unavoidable Accidents and Intervention Strategies to ProTECT Road Users EU-Antrag FH 03FH011AN6: The goal of PReTECT is to implement a cooperative passive safety system aiming at preventing traffic accidents and, in case of unavoidability, minimizing their impact. The project focus is mitigation… Read More »PReTECT


Funktions- und Verkehrs-Sicherheit im Automatisierten und Vernetzten Fahren Project Issue Automated and connected driving (German: “automatisiertes und vernetztes Fahren”, AVF) has the potential of a so-called “game-changer” for the mobility of the future. Although the world’s leading vehicle manufacturers, technology suppliers, and scientists operate in… Read More »SAVe

MiB – Mensch in Bewegung

Mensch in Bewegung, is a joint project of the Technical University of Ingolstadt (THI) and the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU). The 21st century brings urgent challenges – such as climate change, digitization of the living and working world, and social inequality. In these times,… Read More »MiB – Mensch in Bewegung


Safety for all The research partnership SAFIR links the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt with more than 20 partners from industry and public institutions and aims to raise traffic safety to a new level. The research program is embedded in the CARISSMA research and testing center and… Read More »SAFIR