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Welcome to the human-computer interaction (HCI) group at the THI. We are an interdisciplinary team composed of computer scientists, media and environment engineers, usability/UX researchers, and psychologists. Our focus is primarily on hypothesis-driven experimental research in the broader area of pervasive computing and ubiquitous systems with a particular focus on usability research for intelligent user interfaces and user experience design.

Many recent research projects of the group are related to the automotive domain with extension into the third dimension (urban air mobility), as well as pervasive computing applications.

In a nutshell, the research agenda of the HCIG could be summarized as the “development of future interaction concepts and intelligent user interfaces that include cognitive elements to reflect the uniqueness of its user”.

Please look at our projects and publications page to learn more about our recent work. Information about topics for a bachelor’s or master’s thesis can be found under the rider study corner.

Our lab has been headed by Andreas Riener since January 2016. Please contact us if you have any questions.