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Prof. Dr. techn. Priv.-Doz. Andreas Riener

    Since September 2015, I have been a professor of Human-Machine Interaction and Virtual Reality at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) and a charter member of the CARISSMA Institute of Automated Driving (CIAD).
    Since 2016, I am heading the degree program User Experience Design (UXD, undergraduate) and since 2020 the corresponding international UXD master program. Furthermore, I am heading the Usability testing/user experience design (UXD) and driving simulator labs. In October 2017, I was promoted to a research professor for “Human Factors and Driving Ergonomics” at THI (which goes along with a reduction in the teaching load from 18 to 9 SWS). At the same time, I founded the “Human-Computer Interaction Group” (HCIG) at THI. Before moving to Germany, I was Priv.-Doz. (tenure; equivalent to associate professor) at the Institute of Pervasive Computing (headed by Prof. Alois Ferscha) at Johannes Kepler University of Linz (JKU).

    I graduated in computer science at JKU in 2001. After spending a couple of years in the industry in varying positions I joined JKU again in 2005, enrolled in the Ph.D. program in computer science, and worked as a research and teaching assistant (Ph.D. student) at the Institute for Pervasive Computing. In February 2009 I completed my Ph.D. studies (with honors) and worked as a PostDoc until February 2014 at the same institute. In February 2014 he was awarded the venia docendi in “Applied Computer Science” from JKU and promoted to an associate professor position. The title of my habilitation thesis is “Perceptual computer science – Human-centric and reality-based human-machine interaction”.

    Contact: ed.ih1740207534t@ren1740207534eiR.s1740207534aerdn1740207534A1740207534

    Download short CV (April 2021):