Mensch in Bewegung, is a joint project of the Technical University of Ingolstadt (THI) and the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU).
The 21st century brings urgent challenges – such as climate change, digitization of the living and working world, and social inequality. In these times, universities with innovative ideas also should contribute to positive change. The KU and the THI face this task during the five years of their project duration and beyond.
What are new ideas for mobility? How can Region 10 develop sustainably? How can the digital transformation in the living and working world be designed well? And how can civic engagement help with the challenges of our time? These are the central questions of the project.
During the five years of the project time, the Driving Experience Lab (DEL) was developed. The passenger-car trailer features a driving simulator lab that can be moved anywhere by land.

Flexible equipment enables scientific human factors and human-computer interaction studies in the automotive domain. A full-width “show hatch” enables knowledge transfer and presentations to bigger audiences. Most recently, we were able to successfully execute the first studies with it at the national garden festival Landesgartenschau Ingolstadt.
We present the lab-in-a-trailer, and the first experiences with it, to industry and academia at the ACM conferences “Mensch und Computer 2021, MuC’21” as well as “Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications 2021, AutomotiveUI’21 ” with descriptive short papers and accompanying videos each – check them out below! We are thereby proud to have received the “Best Demo” Award at MuC’21 and are grateful for the ideas and feedback collected in many discussions on the DEL.
The Driving Experience Lab (360° walkthrough)

Employees: Franziska Hegner, Tamara von Sawitzky, Thomas Dorsch, Clemens Schartmüller
Project Duration
February 2nd, 2018 – December 31st, 2022
Project Partners
Catholic University Eichstätt
866,000.00 Euro

Funding and Program