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BayFOR Seattle

    The influence of human factors on driver support systems and automated driving (with a focus on cultural and anthropomorphic aspects)

    With this cooperation, the research relationships between the THI/CARISSMA and the University of Washington (UoW), Seattle are to be deepened and future cooperation opportunities in research and teaching are to be identified/concretized. The focus lies on 3 topics:

    1. If details and possibilities for the participation of Prof. Boyle/UoW in one of the applicants for MG.3.2. EU project “PREVENTCRASH” to be submitted, e.g. as a consultant (aim: letter of intent Uow/Prof. Boyle).
    2. Should a cooperative research project on human factors in (automated) driving – with a focus on cultural differences (D <-> USA) – be initiated and concrete next steps taken during the stay.
    3. Should talks be examined for further researcher exchanges (UoW -> THI) or teacher exchanges and student exchanges between the EI faculty of the THI and the Industrial & Systems Engineering Department of the UoW.

    Project Duration

    February 1st – August 31st, 2017

    Project Partners

    • University of Washington

    Granted Fund

    5432.00 Euro

    Consortium Leader

    Bayerische Forschungsallianz (BayFOR) GmbH