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HCI-/ Usability-/ UX-Engineer (m/f/x): Future Mobility - several PhD positions

the CARISSMA Institute for Automated Driving (C-IAD) at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt/Germany focuses on technical and social aspects of the introduction of automated driving. The Human-Computer Interaction Group (HCIG,) based at C-IAD is an interdisciplinary team led by Prof. Dr. Andreas Riener that focuses on hypothesis-driven experimental research in HCI, with a particular focus on usability research & UX evaluation in the field of automated mobility.

Using driving simulators, virtual reality environments and in the field, we explore the interaction of human technology with prototypical applications and by applying diverse methods (objective/subjective, qualitative/quantitative, physiological).

For new mobility projects with a focus on automated shuttle buses and passenger drones, we are looking for up to 5 Ph.D. students (m/f/x).
Full-time employment, TVL-E13, fixed-term 24 to 36 months depending on the project (employment subject to approval by the project sponsor).

Research Associate (m/f/x) Driving Simulation and VR

The CARISSMA Institute for Automated Driving deals with the technical and social aspects of the introduction of automated driving. With several driving simulators and in virtual reality environments, it explores the interaction between humans and machines with prototypical applications and uses various methods (objective/subjective, qualitative/quantitative, physiological).
A Ph.D. project is welcomed and supported.

Bachelor/Master Thesis

Master thesis: Tracking and analyzing pedestrian crossing behavior under adverse weather conditions

Problem description:
Current safety tests for pedestrians and other vulnerable road users are highly standardized and derive from behavior under good weather conditions (clear view, no rain or fog).
In this thesis, a first step pedestrian crossing behavior under adverse weather conditions will be tracked via motion capturing to create more realistic moving patterns. In a second step, these behavioral data will be analyzed and compared to the Euro NCAP
scenarios. The aim is to determine how pedestrians‘ crossing behavior (trajectories, posture, etc.) varies under different weather conditions and which aspects are overseen in current safety tests.

Your tasks:
› related work analysis
› developing the study design
› Implementing motion tracking technology (e.g. Xsens)
› conducting the crossing experiments
› analyzing and comparison of gathered data

Your qualifications:
› student of user experience design, computer science, applied research in
engineering sciences or automatisiertes Fahren und Fahrzeugsicherheit
› interest in the scientific field of automated driving
› interest in data analysis
› reliability and independent way of working
› basic programming knowledge
The thesis can be written either in English or German language

Carina Manger, M.Sc.
Room: W105
Thesis supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Riener

Bachelor/Master thesis: „Human-machine interfaces for unexpected driving behavior of highly automated vehicles “ driving simulator study

Problem description :
Automated driving functions are becoming more and more advanced and the human driver can already partially handover the driving task to the vehicle Although offering a lot of benefits, automated vehicles often behave in unexpected ways, leaving the driver with no cue how and why the car acted the way it did, e.g. stopping with no apparent reason. The aim of this thesis is to develop a human-machine interface (HMI) that helps the user understand the car‘s behavior. In a driving simulator study, this HMI will be evaluated

Your tasks:
›related work analysis
›study design
›HMI design
›conducting a driving simulator study
›analyzing gathered data

Your qualifications:
›student of user experience design, computer science, applied research in
engineering sciences or automatisiertes Fahren und Fahrzeugsicherheit
›interest in the scientific field of automated driving
›interest in human-machine interaction
›reliability and independent way of working
›basic programming skills

The thesis can be written either in English or German language

Carina Manger, M.Sc.
Room: W105
Thesis supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Riener